Team's Press-Writer Defects to THP!

The Spin-Off's press-release writer
("Dr. Bubbles") is seen here in an
undated AP photo.
Washington, DC - In a stunning turn of events, The Spin-Offs' press-release writer has been wooed away by the nefarious agents of The Team's arch-enemy: Team Hodge-Podge ("THP"). Washington Insiders claim that the defection was secured by the promise of a life-time supply of bananas - and a red Ferrari Power-Wheels. This offer was extended by The Captain of THP, who was accompanied by three of Washington's most comely young female chimpanzees.
Calls to the office of The Spin-Off's captain went unanswered yesterday. However, sources close to The Team say that since the defection, The Captain has been holed up in his cubicle with several large bottles of Jack Daniels. A witness (speaking on condition of anonymity) tells us that The Captain's quiet, drunken sobbing is occasionally punctuated by anguished cries of "Why Dr. Bubbles - WHY???!!!"
Meanwhile, Dr. Bubbles has not wasted any time in publishing his first press release for THP. That article may be viewed here.
In other news, Dr. Bubbles was arrested yesterday for defecating in The Mayor's flower garden and then biting His Honor's prized long-haired show dog. As a result of the latter action, The Good Doctor subsequently coughed up a sizable hairball. On The Mayor's $300 Gucci loafers. Dr. Bubble's attorneys plans to sue The Mayor for negligent infliction of physical & emotional distress. They are reportedly seeking $27 million in damages.